Summer Time and never mind the cotton … at least the sun is high (ish). So, this week we are mostly Mad About … Outdoor Dining. Here are some beautiful gardens to inspire you with some plans for your own space.
In my last garden we had fairy lights strung along one wall and they were very pretty but they didn’t give out much light. This time (as we are still planning our garden) I would like to find some slightly bigger lights like these.
In the image above there appears to be a chandelier hanging up, which looks fabulous in both day and light. Check back tomorrow to see where to buy one as it will be coming up in Objects of Design.
A simple pergola, a series of mismatched cafe chairs and a large candle sconce hanging from the tree is all you need. I’m not sure you would ever dare light that one but it does look lovely.
I wish I was invited to this party. What a pretty place to sit and a shade is good when you’re eating I find.
One really great option in our (slightly unreliable) climate is to build a cover over the deck so that the odd shower won’t spoil things. I am currently in negotiation over this plan as my husband fears it will make the kitchen dark. He may have a point but I am thinking along the lines of a pergola going half way across with widely spaced beams and vines growing over it. Not as waterproof as the image above but better for light.
And finally a little colour for your garden as it is, after all, summer and even I’m not completely monochrome all the time.
The post Mad About … Outdoor Dining appeared first on Mad About The House.